Saturday, March 15, 2008


So sorry to hear your news kati. I can't believe how out of the loop, you were left. I don't understand people, not at all. It is hard to go through these experiences, with a light heart, you know?
All I can say, that for all of us, if it were our husbands in the hospital, it is OUR job to notify people, whether we do it ourselves, or have someone else do it for us.

The past two days have been up and down. We keep hearing a bunch of different stories, and most of them had sounded like the poor guy was about to die in 2 min. Of course, that wasn't the truth though.
So, here is the latest.

The did the stint, the next day, they found he had pnemonia, then yesterday evening, apparently, they discovered that is was a massive heart attack, not a mild one. They rushed him in for open heart surgery where they found the bottom, about a 1/4 worth of his heart is dead, but that is okay, but the muscles that support the heart are weak, so they put another balloon in, to support the heart, and he will have to have bypass surgery, dang soon.
So, Up down, Up down, Up, down. We are going nuts here.
As for my cold, it just gets worse. I am not being able to sleep much, my throat is just killing, and Joe has to keep going back and forth to the hospital, so there isn't much time for me to "chill". I hope this goes away soon, as I have plenty to do before the baby gets here, as far as getting ready for my family to come into town.

Now, I hope this finds you Kati, doing okay. I am sure your heart is a little broken right now about your grandpa. Take care of your baby, okay?
Also, Amber, HOLY COW! Can you just sit still and be fat and miserable for 5 minutes? You are on the go, girl!
Thanks Becky, for sharing your experience with similar stuff. It helps, alot.
Britt, I have gotten your emails, just haven't made the time to write back, but you are not forgotten.
Speaking of forgotten, boy, I would like to forget this whole week!

Thanks for all of your love and support. It means the world to us.
If I get any more news, I will let you all know. For now, I need to go bathe, get ready, just in case they call with the: He's dying, oh, no he's not! again!
Love you all,

Apparently, they buried the aunt yesterday, so that was nice to hear.


Dave and Britt said...

That sounds like quite the emotional roller coaster ride. Let me know if there is anything, anything at all I can do to give you some down time.

Kati said...

I can't believe all that! Like seriously- it makes no sense to me that they can't get it right. He has this- not wait! it is this! And so on... Such a roller coaster for all you guys! Do you need me to pick of Braxton one of these days so you can get some good rest??? I have Friday open all day! Let me know! Paul still has his slight cough he has had for 9 weeks running- but the rest of us are good as gold!
Grandpa is doing a ton better now... I don't think he is up to par, but is on his way. His name is George- so if I have a boy, it will be baby George. Man he is really a great guy, I am glad he is sticking around for a bit longer! Thanks for your empathy! It is greatly appreciated!
Good luck with the rest of the week- I hope Joes dad improves a lot- FOR REAL!!! Please call if you need anything!